SAKABE, Hitomi
Hitomi Sakabe is a visual artist, author and educator based in South Korea.
She has published 10 picturebooks and 2 books, working with various publishers, including Design House and Woongjin Thinkbig. Her work has been recognized with a string of awards, most recently one of the Shortlisted Illustrators NAMI CONCOURS 2023 and a Merit Award iJungle Illustration Awards 2019.
She received her Doctorate of Design degree(DDes) at the Seoul National University, and is currently an associate professor at School of Design Convergence, Hongik University.
She is a director of the Korean Society of Design Science(KSDS), Korea Society of Illustration Research(KSIR) and a member of the Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc.(JAGDA).
Research Interests
■ Sequential Images & Visual Storytelling
■ Visual Communication Design
■ Design Education
■ Participatory Design
Books & Illustrations for zines
■ 요요요 샘쟁이야! The Fox and the Green-eyed (2023)
■ 요요요 잠꾸러기야! The Fox and the Sleepyhead (2022)
■ 요요요 방귀대장아! The Fox and the Tooting Bear (2022)
■ 엄마, 내일도 같이 놀자 Mommy, Will You Play with Me?
■ “Doljanchi, a Family’s Greatest Effort to Bring Happiness 정성으로 행복 빚는 한국의 돌잔치”, URIMUNHWA Vol.291 (2021)
■ 요요요 따라쟁이야! The Fox and the Copycat (2020)
■ 외갓집은 정말 좋아! Home by the Sea (2019)
■ 책 짓기 Book about Making A Book (2019)
■ 앞니가 흔들흔들 My Wobbly Tooth (2018)
■ Pictorial KANA with Hitomi’s watercolor 히토미의 수채화로 만나는 히라가나 가타카나 (2017)
■ 그렇게 삶은 차곡차곡 Brick by Brick, Life Thus Goes On (2017)
■ Monthly mom&enfant. Designhouse inc., September (2016)
■ 아이와 나 J And I.(2015)
■ 내가 엄마 해야지 I’ll be Mom. (2013)
■ Associate Professor, Hongik University (School of Design Convergence), Sep. 2024~present
■ Assistant Professor, Hongik University (School of Design Convergence), Mar. 2023~ Aug. 2024
■ Assistant Professor, Keimyung University (Department of Visual Communication Design ), 2018~2023
■ Lecturer, Keimyung University (Illustration), 2017
■ Lecturer, Sungshin Women’s University (Illustration, Visual Information Design), 2014~2017
■ Lecturer, Kaywon University of Art and Design (Identity Design), 2017
■ Internship, Corporate Design Center LG Electronics (Development of Mobile GUI), 2008
■ Doctor of Design, Faculty of Craft and Design, Seoul National University, 2013 – 2017
■ MFA in Graphic design, Hongik University Graduate School, 2011 – 2013
■ BFA in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, 2003 – 2010
■ BFA in Design, Faculty of Craft and Design, Seoul National University, 2003 – 2010
Selected Recognition, Awards and Grants
■ Silver Prize, UROP(Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program), Hongik University, 20 December, 2023
■ Distinction: NAMI COUNCOURS 2023, 12 May, 2023
■ Shortlist – Illustrate(Graphic): London International Creative Competition 2021, 23 Feb, 2022
■ Outstanding Advising Award. Keimyung University, 20 May, 2021
■ Best Advisor Award, The Korea Society of Illustration Research. 29 December, 2020
■ MERIT AWARD, iJUNGLE ILLUSTRATION AWARDS 2019, iJungle Awards, January 21, 2020
■ Awarded Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2013-2016
■ Completed the Course of the 2015 Graduate Students Forum on Asian Studies at the Seoul National University Asia Center, 2015
■ Awarded for excellent academic achievement by the National Institute for International Education, 2014
■ Awarded Korean Government Scholarship Program, 2011-2013
■ Graduated with honors – Cum laude, Seoul National University, February, 2010
■ Marks & Spencer Prize, Climate Cool Poster Design Competition, British Council in Korea, 13 June, 2008
■ Accepted to IGDB 5, International Graphic Design Biennial Ningbo, 2008