Exhibitions etc.

Selected Solo Exhibitions

● FLOWERS. BOK Art Center, Sejong, Korea, 9 – 14 January, 2024.
● Character.  DGDC, Daegu, Korea, 18 October – 22 October, 2021.
● TYPE as IMAGE. GIDP, Chuncheon, Korea, 26 January – 21 February, 2021.
● On Visual Storytelling. DGDC, Daegu, Korea, 19 October – 23 October, 2020.
● Rhythm. The Hyakugo Bank, Ltd., Tsu, Japan, 1 July – 31 July, 2019.
● Vivid. DGDC, Daegu, Korea, 14 April – 23 April, 2019.
● Akakokko. Galerie Jin, Yokohama, Japan, 29 January – 3 February, 2019.
● Solo Exhibition of Hitomi SAKABE. Gallery Kei, Yokkaichi, Japan, 6 July – 10 July, 2016.
● Solo Exhibition of Hitomi SAKABE. – Light, Shadow and Life-. Mie Gallery, Tsu, Japan, 8 July – 12 July, 2015.
● Solo Exhibition of Hitomi SAKABE -Summer Vacation-. MERRY-GO-ROUND, Yokkaichi, Japan, 1 July –13 July, 2015.
● One Day. Violet Gallery, Seoul, 1 December – 21 December, 2014.
● Hitomi SAKABE’s Original Picture Book Art Exhibition. NHK TSU Gallery, 5 February – 9 February, 2014.

Selected Group Exhibitions

● Diff N POSTER 2021. SCENE OF DAEHWA & ARTLAT:범어 Open Gallery -B, 12-31 August, 2021.
●    Charity Exhibition to Support Para-athletes by Collaboration between Designers and Challenged Artists [Masking Tapes, Tumblers, and Handkerchiefs]. Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, 2 April – 29 April, 2021.
●   Diff N POSTER 2020. CINE55 오오극장, Daegu, Korea, 12 August – 11 September, 2020.
●   2020 Changwon Art Festival 창원 아시아 미술제. Sungsan Arts Hall, Changwon, 27 May – 8 June, 2020.
● Tokyo Midtown Design Hub 84th Exhibition  JAGDA Outreach Exhibition Part 3 Hurray Hurray Handkerchiefs 「JAGDAつながりの展覧会 Part 3 フレフレハンカチ」. Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, 17 January – 18 February, 2020. Organizer: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, Produced by: Japan Graphic Designers Association Inc.
● Book Island 북섬전. 3.15 Arts Center, Changwon, 9 January – 1 March, 2020.
● 2019 Creative Poster Design Exhibition: A Crossover between Aesthetics and Chinese Characters. Tungfang Design University, Taiwan, 8 November – 22 November, 2019.
● Invited Group Exhibition 그림책 만들기를 위한 일러스트레이터 초대전. Gumi Arts Center, Gumi, 30 October – 3 November, 2019.
● Gwangju Design Biennale International Invitational Poster Exhibition 2019. Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, 7 September – 27 October, 2019.
● Maison & Objet Paris. Paris Nord Villepinte, France, 2 September – 6 September, 2016.
● Candle Night. GALLERY TOPIC, Seoul, 1 September – 2 September, 2014.
● Special Exhibition For Small Painting. Coex Hall B, Seoul, 10 July – 13 July, 2014.
● One Fine Spring Day. Art Space ARTION, Seoul, 14 April, 2014 – 7 May, 2014.
● ‘Illustrations’, The New and Usual. SPACE 1/3/2/6, Changwon, Korea, 1 April – 13 April, 2014.
● Welcome Guest On A Spring Day_春夜喜雨. Gallery Art & Summer, Busan, 26 March – 2 May, 2014.
● Art Toy Collaboration. Gwang Art Gallery, Sejong Center, Seoul, 26 February – 4 March, 2014.
● Horse, Human and Healing. KRA Equine Museum, Korea, 20 December, 2013 – 26 October, 2014.
● Art Project 12 by 12 at COEX. COEX East Gate 1F Lobby, 2 December, 2013 – 19 January, 2014.
● Farming is Art. Non Gallery, Hayri Art Vallery, Korea, 30 November – 15 December, 2013.
● Permanent Exhibition. Art Space ARTION, Seoul, 18 Nov – 29 Nov 2013.
Sense & Sensibility. Art Space ARTION, Seoul, 2 November – 17 November, 2013.
● Space. ArtTGallery, Seoul, 29 October – 7 November, 2013.
● Time:Gahoe Gallery Invitation Exhibition. Gahoe Gallery, Seoul, 1 August – 18 August, 2013.
● The Spring. Insa Art Center, Seoul, 22 May-27 May, 2013.
● 7th NANA Project. In the PAPER, Seoul, 4 July – 16 July, 2011.

Media Coverage

● 더 코리아 “달성군립도서관, 홍익대와 어린이 생애 첫 그림책 발간” (12 December, 2023, Korea)
● 홍익뉴스 “홍익대 조형대학 디자인컨버전스학부 × 일본 치바대학 × 서울과기대 글로벌 디자인 워크숍(2023 Global Cultural Contents Design Workshop)” (15 June, 2023, Korea)
● 경북신문 “달성군립도서관, 홍익대학교와 함께 어린이 생애 첫 그림책 발간” (25 May, 2023, Korea)
● 홍익뉴스 “조형대학 디자인컨버전스학부 SAKABE HITOMI 교수 NAMI CONCOURS 2023 Shortlisted Illustrator 선정)” (15 May, 2023, Korea)
● 더코리아 “달성군립도서관-계명대학교 미술대학 시각디자인전공, 업무협약(MOU) 체결” (13 May, 2022, Korea)
● Shortlist – Illustrate(Graphic): London International Creative Competition 2021.for the book The Fox and the Tooting Bear. (22 February, 2021, London UK)
● 강원도민일보 “그림으로 재배치한 한글 자음 속 미학”
(28 January, 2021, Korea)
● 동아일보 DongA.com “계명대 시각디자인과, 일러스트레이션 공모전 대상 등 수상자 여럿 배출” (15 December, 2020, Korea)
● 경북신문 “계명대 시각디자인과, 일러스트레이션 공모전서 수상 휩쓸어” (11 December, 2020, Korea)
● 국제뉴스 “
계명대, 제5회 극재포럼 ‘더 나은 미래’를 주제로 온라인 개최” (3 November, 2020, Korea)
● Merit Award – Book Category: iJungle Illustration Awards 2019 for the book Home by the Sea. (21 January, 2020, Porto, Portugal)
● 경남도민일보 “책을 보며 작가를 읽어가는 색다른 즐거움”(17 January, 2020, Korea)

● Koreana Winter 2019 Vol.33 No.4, “A Border Rider”, pp.68-71, Editor: Choi Sung-jin , (1 January, 2020, Korea)
● ange 2019 AUGUST. 월간 앙쥬 2019년 8월호 (August, 2019, p.160, Korea)
● Korean Society of Children’s Literature & Education
한국 어린이 문학 교육학회
김은심교수, <외갓집은 정말 좋아!>(30 August, 2019, Korea)
● KOREAN PICTURE BOOKS ANNUAL 2019 한국 그림책 연감 2019 (14 August, 2019, Korea, 원주시 창의문화도시지원센터)
● 학교도서관저널 slj.co.kr 김순필 사서교사, “무언가를 짓는 데는 정성이 필요하다” (July and August, 2019, No. 95, p.190, Korea)
● 초등아침독서morningreading.org  정민재 사서교사, “도란도란 말소리로 펼치는 ‘책마을’ 풍경” (July, 2019, p.9, Korea)
● Chosun Media조선멤버스 [재밌다, 이 책!] 김성신 출판평론가, “‘지식의 창고’ 책, 어떻게 만들까…기획·인쇄해 내 속에 오기까지”(3 May, 2019,  Korea)
● 서울신문 The Seoul Shinmum “군포시평생학습원, 포럼 ‘한국 그림책의 뿌리를 찾아서’ 4회 개최”(9 May, 2018, Korea)
● Podcast The Illustration Lovers15회 – [글쓰는 일러스트레이터 특집] 사카베 히토미 작가님 편”(20 April, 2018, Korea)
● ”나의 그림책 태교,” mom&enfant September 2016, Seoul:DesignHouse, September 2016, 146.
● ISE SHIMBUN “アクリル画やコラージュ作品 四日市でさかべさん個展”(7 July, 2016, Japan)
● ISE SHIMBUN “さかべさんが個展 津 バレエダンサーのコラージュ”(10 July, 2015, Japan)
● THE CHUNICHI SHIMBUN “人間の光と影表現 津のさかべさんが個展”(10 July, 2015, Japan)
● MIE FURUSATO WEEKLY “さかべひとみさん個展 8日から三重画廊で開催”(2 July, 2015, Japan)
● 독서신문READERS’ NEWS “아이와 나”(9 June, 2015, Korea)
● 메트로신문Metro “[신간도서] 아이와 나…그림으로 그린 특별한 육아일기” (May, 2015, Korea)
● Art concept magazine Moon (September, 2014, Korea)
● ISE SHIMBUN “韓国で絵本出版 坂部さん原画展 津出身「温かさ感じて」”(6 February, 2014, Japan)
● THE CHUNICHI SHIMBUN “柔らかさと温かみある筆致 津で画家・坂部さん個展”(6 February, 2014, Japan)
● NHK ほっとイブニングみえ. (6:47-6:49 pm, 5 February, 2014, Japan)
● Korean Society of Children’s Literature & Education
한국 어린이 문학 교육학회
이상희 회장 <내가 엄마 해야지> (1 October, 2013, Korea)
● MIE TIMES “出版記念に初個展 親子の情感豊かに描く”(9 August, 2013, Japan)
● ISE SHIMBUN “絵本で日韓の懸け橋に” (8 August, 2013, Japan)
● MIE FURUSATO WEEKLY “日韓交流の架け橋になりたい”(8 August, 2013, Japan)
● ISE SHIMBUN “ソウル在住の坂部さん 故郷の津で絵画展” (2 August, 2013, Japan)
● THE CHUNICHI SHIMBUN “津出身で韓国在住の絵本画家・坂部さん 故郷で初個展 子ども柔らかく表現”(2 August, 2013, Japan)



“디자인 연구방법론을 적용한 비주얼 스토리텔링 연구 -그림책 “요요요 따라쟁이야!”를 중심으로- A Study on Visual Storytelling Based on Design Research Methodologies”, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.23 No.4 , 18-24, 30 November, 2020

그림책 일러스트레이션 개발에 적용되는 디자인 연구방법론 -생활 그림책 『앞니가 흔들흔들』 사례연구-  A Study on Design Research Methodologies Applied to the Development of Picturebook Illustration -Using Picturebook My Wobbly Tooth as a Case-”, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.22 No.2 , 2-8, 31 May, 2019

기억의 구조 및 심상정보처리이론에 근거한 일러스트레이션 낱말카드에 관한 연구 -일본 문자 가나를 중심으로- A Study of Picture-Word Cards Based on the Structure of Memory and Graphical Information Processing Theory -Focusing on the Japanese Letter Kana-”, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.21 No.2 , 8-14, 31 May, 2018

시지각 이론을 활용한 문자그림책 표현 연구: 일본 문자 가나를 중심으로 A Study of Expression for ABC Picture Book based on the Theories about Visual Perception: focused on Japanese Letter Kana”, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.20 No.2 , 73-80, May, 2017

일러스트레이션을 활용한 일본 문자 가나 표현 연구 A Study on Pictorial Expression in Japanese kana Characters“, Doctoral Thesis, Seoul National University, February, 2017

아이코노텍스트 관점에서 본 알파벳 그림책 분석 An Analysis on ABC Books from Iconotextual Aspect”, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.20 No.1 , 88-95, February, 2017

“Expressions in Accordance with Traits of Human Visual Perception in Taro Gomi’s Surprise Picture Books”, Bulletin of the Association for Studies of Picture Books, 2016- No.18, 49-54, 30 March, 2016

다이쇼시대 안데르센동화 일러스트레이션-일본에서 번안된 안데르센동화 그림책 일러스트레이션 연구(2)- Illustrations of Andersen’s Fairy Tales during the Taisho Period -A Study on the Illustrations of Andersen’s Fairy Tales Adapted to Japanese Picture Books (2)-“, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.19 No.1 , 333-339, February, 2016

메이지시대 안데르센동화 일러스트레이션 -일본에서 번안된 안데르센동화 그림책 일러스트레이션 연구(1)- Illustrations of Andersen’s Fairy Tales during the Meiji Period -A Study on the Illustrations of Andersen’s Fairy Tales Adapted to Japanese Picture Books (1)-“, The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.18 No.4, 341-350, November, 2015

“물화(物化)적 관점에서의 이와사키 치히로 일러스트레이션 연구 On the illustrations of Chihiro Iwasaki : approach to her philosophy of the union of subject and object”, MFA Thesis, Hongik University, February, 2013

일본그림책에 나타난 메시지 전달의 기호학적 분석 A Semiotic Analysis of the Message Passing through a Japanese Picture Book”, Co-Writer, Moon Chul, Journal of Basic Design & Art, Vol.13 No.5, 237-247, 2012

물화(物化)적 표현을 통한 일러스트레이션 연구 -이와사키 치히로의 『작은 새가 온 날』을 중심으로- A Study on the Illustration based on the expression of Wu-hua”, Journal of Basic Design & Art, Vol.13 No.5, 251-259, 2012

Art related Events

Kameyama Triennale. ART KAMEYAMA 2014. Kameyama city, Japan, 2 November – 9 November, 2014.
Seoul International Handmade Fair 2014.Coex Hall B, Seoul, 17 September – 20 September, 2014.
Live Painting at Handmade Korea Fair 2014. Coex Hall B, Seoul, 10 July – 13 July, 2014.
5th Nami Island Illust Festival. Nami Island, 12 October – 13 October, 2013.
Art Auction. JaeMi Gallery, Seoul, 11 October, 2013.
Hong Dae Free Market. Seoul, September – November, 2013.
Art Market SOSO. Seoul, May – October, 2013.